pp108 : Performing Operations on Deployed Process Models

Performing Operations on Deployed Process Models

This topic describes the procedure to perform various operations on deployed process models.

When you want to view and perform certain operations on business process models that are already deployed from your current organization or from different organizations, you need to do so from the Deployed Process Models window. This is the only window through which you can have a summarized view of the business process models that are otherwise not seen in Workspace Documents as they are loaded through the application packages and belong to different organizations.

The summarized view comprises the following details:

Table 1. Fields on the Deployed Process Models Interface




Displays the name of the folder in which the business process model is located

Process Name

Displays the name of the published business process model

Last Published

Displays the date and time at which the business process model was last published

Published By

Displays the name of the user who published the business process model

Deployed In

Displays the name of the organization where the business process model is deployed

Configuration Indicates if either Monitoring or Crash Recovery settings are customized for the model. If customized, the value for this field will be custom.


Displays the description of the published business process model


  1. In the My Applications App Palette, click (Deployed Process Models). The Deployed Process Models window appears.


To perform the required operations on a deployed business process model, do the following:

If you want to perform the operation...

Right-click a process model or select a process model and...

(Show Graphical View)

Select Show Graphical View when you want to view the execution sequence of the activities in a deployed process model. Alternatively, click on the toolbar. The selected or deployed process model appears in a graphical view.

(View Instances by Process)

Select View Instances by Process when you want to monitor the process instances based on their business process. Alternatively, click on the toolbar. The selected or deployed process model appears in the Instances by Process Definition window from where you may perform several other operations.

(Customize Configuration)

Select Configuration > Customize. Alternatively, click on the toolbar to modify or overwrite the monitor options that were set at the time of creating the business process model. The Monitoring and Crash recovery settings window appears from where you may modify monitoring and crash recovery settings.

  • When a model exists both in the Shared space and the Organization space, customizing the model in Organization space will reflect in Shared space also. However, for the users of the Organization, the model that exists in the Organization space will only be considered for any new process instances.
    • When a model exists both in Shared space and Organization space, you cannot update the customization made on the model present in Shared space directly.
  • When a model exists only in the Shared space, the customization made to that model will not impact users of any other organization.
  • If any customization is done on a process model in an Organization, it will be considered automatically even if the process model is updated; users need not update the configuration every time the process model is updated.
  • If a model exists either in the Shared space or in the Organization space, then deletion of the model also results in deletion of the customization.
  • When a process model is uninstalled from the Organization space and if the same model exists in the Shared space also, then the customization made to the model in the Organization space will not be deleted; it will be displayed against the model that exists in the Shared space. Users of the Organization can continue to rely on the custom configuration that is defined.
  • It is possible to update the configuration for multiple models at the same time.
    • When multiple models are selected, and if none of them have a predefined customization, then the default configuration of the model displayed first among the selected models will be considered.
    • When multiple models are selected, and if one or more customized models exist in that selection, the default configuration of the model which is already customized and appears first among the selected models will be considered.


(View Audit Information)

Select View Audit Information to view audit information for a deployed process model. Alternatively, click on the toolbar. The Artifacts Audit Information window appears, displaying audit information for the selected process model.


Select Authorization. Alternatively, click on the toolbar to set the authorization for a deployed process model. The Authorization window appears. Set authorization for the selected or deployed process model.

You have performed the required operation(s) on a deployed business process model.